Gregory Seaborne
2018 -2019 President
Gregory Seaborne is a 3L at Charleston School of Law, and a native of Queens, NY. Gregory is a graduate of Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, VA and holds a bachelors degree in political science with a concentration in politics and government. Gregory previously held a career as a decorated detective within the Newport News Police Department in Newport News, VA where he investigated crimes such as burglary, larceny, white collar crimes and property crimes. During his eight years of service, He has earned two Medals of Valor, which is the highest decoration for bravery exhibited by a public safety officer. He was also the recipient of the Greater Hampton Roads Regional Crime Lines Top Cop award for the City of Newport News. In 2016 Gregory resigned from the Newport News Police Department to begin law school.
Past Presidents
Kerry L. Shipman
Grace Riley
Keith Williams