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What’s Coming Up


Annual Events

Every year, KJW BLSA is involved in the following events:


Admitted Students Day
During Admitted Student Day (ASD), Charleston School of Law invites newly admitted students to visit and discover the school. The weekend is filled with opportunities to visit classes, receive advice from current students, and explore the city of Charleston. During ASD, current KJW BLSA students interested in joining BLSA are invited to a congratulatory dinner and an exciting social event.

Mentor/Mentee Program
 Incoming 1Ls are paired with a second or third- year law student, who will facilitate the new student’s acclimation to law school. Mentees and mentors are matched based on professional goals and common interests. Mentors provide advice in many areas pertinent to law school, career goals, and life in general.

Black History Month
During Black History Month, all Charleston Law students have the opportunity to attend programs/panels that provide career advice, present black culture and explore social issues affecting the black community.

General Body Meetings
This is a monthly event where the Executive Board informs all KJW BLSA members of upcoming events and agenda items. During General Body Meetings, current KJW BLSA students also provide timely advice to 1Ls in many areas, including finals, course selection and the summer job search.

Gavel Ceremony
During the Gavel Ceremony, graduating Duke BLSA students reminisce about their time at Duke Law School at this semi-formal event.


Angel Tree Ceremony 


The Color of Justice 


Minority Law Day 




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